Muath, the Palestinian child is well and back to Gaza
“This morning Muath and his father will leave from the ceremonial lounge of the airport of Fiumicino to come back to the Gaza Strip to meet finally their family.
One success story has become a symbol of a concrete example of international solidarity with the Foreign Ministry and the Israeli authorities." The news comes from Benedetta Paravia, spokeswoman for A.N.G.E.L.S Onlus, the humanitarian association which has allowed the little Palestinian of 17 months, suffering from cancer, to come to Rome to receive all necessary treatment. The transfer difficulties were unlocked only thanks to the Foreign Ministry that has worked to get the permission needed to cross the Israeli Erez crossing. In February, the baby has undergone a complex surgical procedure conducted by prof. De Ville of Hospital Bambino Gesu and by prof. Cozzi dell'Umberto I which have provided the removal of the tumor mass located at the center of the liver. The surgery lasted seven hours, avoiding the risk of a transplant. The baby is fine and has healed completely. "I have constantly followed the story of the little Muath and are encouraged by the positive news about the recovery. I will always be ready - said Foreign Minister Franco Frattini - to work in order so many other children may, with the Italians, have a future of greater serenity and hope. "Muath goes home happy with a suitcase full of gifts for up to seven unfortunate children. The baby's father, in fact, bring in the Gaza Strip a lot of special milk, made available through the group Farmacrimi ANGELS, which will be distributed to infants with a severe allergy to lactose, and through which they can continue to live. "The finding of this product was also difficult for us in Italy. Thanks also to Alitalia for the cooperation in the transport of milk, "says Paravia.