The Association "A.N.G.E.L.S. - National Association of Great Energies Leading Solidarity "(NPO) and was established April 15, 2008 and on the same date and was recorded as non-profit organization, in accordance with Art. 4, paragraph 2 of the Ministerial Decree July 18, 2003, 266 prot. 35569/2008 Regional Directorate of Lazio.
In 2008, activities have been carried out for the presentation and promotion of the Association at the various Italian and Emirates Ministries, national and international Institutions, hospitals and medical centres, Televisions, Radio and Newspapers. These activities have resulted in numerous awards. June 20th 2008 the Holy See gave the Patronage to A.N.G.E.L.S. On 9 October 2008 A.N.G.E.L.S. received the Medal of the President of the Italian Republic H.E. Giorgio Napolitano. The the same day A.N.G.E.L.S. received the patronage of the Ministry of Youth. November 5th 2008 A.N.G.E.L.S. received the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry for Heritage and Cultural Activities gives patronage to A.N.G.E.L.S. November 13th 2008. November 18th 2008, the Italian Society of Paediatrics has endorsed all the initiatives A.N.G.E.L.S.
October 27th, 2008 A.N.G.E.L.S. has signed an agreement with the Department of Paediatrics, University of Rome "La Sapienza", represented by Director Prof. Manuel Adolfo Castello, to help the Paediatric Department of the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome and to assist in the care of children abroad .
A.N.G.E.L.S. offered to the Policlinico Umberto I Paediatric Department, the package cartoon "SKY" and has launched a public awareness campaign through the cinemas, television and satellite channels to benefit the Paediatric Oncology Department of the Policlinico Umberto I . Umberto I Hospital, directed by Dr. Ubaldo Montaguti, has made available for A.N.G.E.L.S. 4 beds per year for children coming from war zones or in need of urgent action for which A.N.G.E.L.S. cover the cost of travel and accommodation for the children and their parents.
A.N.G.E.L.S. has also produced a 30-second social spot aimed to promote solidarity. The spot has been programmed on the film circuit Opus Dei in 216 Italian cinemas in October 2008. SKY has also reserved for A.N.G.E.L.S. a program of social spot from 15 December 2008 till 5 January 2009.
A.N.G.E.L.S. in 2008, also made a DVD of the video "Angels: a song for Peace" in order to spread the value of Peace. On 22 December 2008 at "San Siro" stadium in Milan, during the charity match "A Goal for Peace", the song "Angels: a song for Peace" has become the Official Anthem of the team "Ambassadors for Peace" composed of world-famous football players who have joined the initiative.
A.N.G.E.L.S. in 2009 has also received the patronage of the Lazio Region, of Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza, Italian Air Force, City of Rome and Social Secretariat of RAI Television.
On 26 February 2009 A.N.G.E.L.S. estabilished with the National Youth Forum an agreement in favour of young people in Italy and abroad based on the common goal of contributing to the social process of peace in war zones and to encourage youth participation in cultural and artistic activities that develop solidarity and mutual understanding.
In March 2009 the social spot "Angels" was on air on MTV channel.
In March 11th 2009, the A.N.G.E.L.S. held a press conference for the official presentation of its activities at the Palazzo Chigi in Rome entitled "Public and Private: two hands for the infancy of the world." The speakers was Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa, the Minister of Youth Giorgia Meloni, the Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs Vincenzo Scotti and the Vice President and Ambassador of A.N.G.E.L.S. Dr. Benedetta Paravia.
In April 2009 A.N.G.E.L.S. signed an agreement with the International Film Festival of Rome, which allows the official presence of the non-profit organization at the Festival and a promotional package of video clip "Angels" for the accredited visitors.
In 2009 A.N.G.E.L.S. becomes part of the 20 associations who represent relevant social interests in Italy, made up by Committee of CIVICRAZIA, a coalition through which the citizens become the actor of their rights. This coalition includes more than 4,000 associations. The "Civicratici" defend the rights of the citizens. Benedetta Paravia, Spokesperson for A.N.G.E.L.S. is named "Defender of Peace".
On 21 October 2009, at the Roman Aquarius sponsored by the Municipality of Rome, took place the presentation of the jewel "Brotherhood, sons of the same Father" conceived by Vice President Benedetta Paravia and created by Bedetti of Rome. The jewel symbolizes brotherhood between the three monotheistic religions, whose symbols, arranged in chronological order, are the children of one God. A.N.G.E.L.S., taking the initiative consistent with the purpose of spreading associative social values such as peace, tolerance and brotherhood, attended the presentation of the jewel that had as testimonial Vice President Benedetta Paravia, Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy and the heart surgeon Prof. Giacomo Frati at the presence of the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa and the Srour family from Lebanon, a family who came to Rome to make a bone-marrow transplant for baby Bayan Srour, affected by Thalassemia.
December 10th 2009, the video of the song for peace "Angels" was awarded at the Rome VideoClip award.The videoclip has been nominated the best "Video Clip". The award was delivered to Dr. Benedetta Paravia in the Fellini theatre at the Cinecittà Studios.
During the year of 2009 A.N.G.E.L.S. was guest of numerous radio and television programs that have been involved in the activities of this young non-profit organization. Every press release sent by A.N.G.E.L.S., was collected and released by all the National media agencies and many newspapers, throughout 2009, followed by Tv program dedicated to the stories of children who have been cured thanks to the activism of the Association in our country.
In May 2009 A.N.G.E.L.S. entered the Regional Register of Associations of the Lazio Region to benefit of the Humanitarian Program for Health in favour of foreign citizens not belonging to the European Union. This allows A.N.G.E.L.S. to help with medical care more families. A.N.G.E.L.S. realized the spot of a new humanitarian project in collaboration with the Multimedia Unit of the Press and Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (maemultimedia), new section of the II Office of the Press and Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs engaged in post-production, initiated with the cooperation of leading universities with the aim of creating audiovisual dissemination of information on services and activities of the Ministry and the diplomatic-consular network. The spot was aired on national networks Mediaset from 1 to 15 June 2009 and, thanks to mobile operators TIM, Vodafone, Wind and 3 Angels received a temporary number for the audience to send text messages of solidarity to collect funds.
On October 7th 2009 Bayan Srour, two years old is the first patient brought to Italy by A.N.G.E.L.S.. Suffering from a severe form of thalassemia, undergoes a bone marrow transplant at the Mediterranean Institute of Hematology, Policlinico Tor Vergata thanks to the donor, the brother Mohammed, 9 years old. During the period necessary for the care was also present the father Abdulnasser, the mother Roweida and her brother Mohammed.
November 29th 2009 arrived in Rome from Rabat, Jdili Fatima, a young Moroccan woman with a serious heart disease. The patient is transferred to the Policlinico Umberto I, the Department "Heart and vessels," directed by prof. Carlo Gaudio, Thursday, Dec. 10. This is the first surgery in collaboration between A.N.G.E.L.S., Umberto I Hospital and the University of Rome "La Sapienza". The surgery, a double valve replacement (mitral and aortic), lasted a total of 4 hours, was performed by a team composed by Prof. Fabio Miraldi, Dr. Antonio Barretta and Prof. Giacomo Frati. The anesthetic management of the operation, which was performed with the aid of extracorporeal circulation, as well as the subsequent treatment in intensive care were conducted by Dr. Massimo Pacilli and Prof. Luigi Tritapepe, Director of the Division of Cardio-anesthesia. After the surgery Fatima began a program of cardiac rehabilitation at the UOC directed by Prof. L. R. Pastore.
On December 4th 2009 the young iraqi Tiba Al Jumaili arrived in Rome from Bagdad with the hope of having, thanks to A.N.G.E.L.S., finally a normal life: the serious and rare heart defect which was suffered from birth slowed her body’s growth. For doctors in Iraq her case was too difficult and, without help from other countries, it was not possible to cure. Because of the war, the family was forced to leave the house in the center of Baghdad and take refuge in the suburbs with difficulties that threatened to plunge the already precarious health of small Tiba. The child was admitted to the Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù and received two different and delicate heart surgery performed by Prof. Pungilione and Prof. Amodio: cardiac catheterization interventional stent was placed in the abdominal aorta and she also received a cardiac surgery for correction of valvular stenopsi and pulmonary branches to close the PFO.
December 18th 2009 baby Muath, Palestinian boy of 16 months suffering from liver cancer arrived in Rome for treatment. Thanks to the intervention of the Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini with the benefaction of Dr. Benedetta Paravia, the child and his father moved from Gaza to Israel via the Erez crossing and constantly assisted by the Italian Consulate in Jerusalem to reach Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. The child was hospitalized at the Department of Pediatric Oncology at the Policlinico Umberto I.
In 2010 A.N.G.E.L.S. successfully continued its work on behalf of several children in need of care and who live in low-income families or in areas of the world war where there are no hospitals eligible for treatment. After the month of December 2009 A.N.G.E.L.S., in cooperation with the Foreign Ministry and the active contribution of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini, had managed to reach Italy from Gaza small Muath, suffering from a severe form of hepatoblastoma, the child is subjected February 9, 2010 to a complex surgery for the removal of the tumor mass located at the center of the liver. Surgery lasted seven hours and was successfully carried out by Professor De Ville Children's Hospital Child Jesus and Professor Cozzi of the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome. After a period of convalescence, in March 16, 2010, A.N.G.E.L.S. was responsible for the return to Gaza of the small Muath finally cured and father. The transfer from the hospital to the Ceremonial State of Fiumicino Airport is organized by A.N.G.E.L.S. while from Tel Aviv at the Erez crossing is followed by the Italian Consulate in Jerusalem. Finally, from Erez the small home to volunteers of A.N.G.E.L.S. in Gaza. The father of the child Muath has brought with him a load of special milk "Galactomin 19" made available by A.N.G.E.L.S. and intended for babies of Gaza suffering from a severe allergy to lactose that had not eaten for a few days because of the difficulty of finding the product on site. With regard to the successful outcome of the story is also ruled the Foreign Ministry: "I have constantly followed the story of the little Muath and are encouraged by the positive news about the healing. I will always be ready - said Foreign Minister Franco Frattini - to be operated on so many other children can, thanks to the Italians, have a future of greater serenity and hope. "
In 23 March 2010 A.N.G.E.L.S. in collaboration with the 31 ° Stormo Italian Air Force organizes in 10 hours, with lightning granted a visa by the U.S. Embassy in Rome for a period of 5 years, the transfer from Rome to Boston of the small Bayan Srour and her mother Rowaida. The Lebanese girl had come to Rome in October 2009. Bayan, who suffers from a severe form of thalassemia, had suffered in the months before a bone marrow transplant at the Mediterranean Institute of Hematology, Policlinico Tor Vergata, thanks to the donor brother Mohammed of 9 years old. To accompany the child during the stay necessary care are the father and mother Rowaida Abdulnasser Srour. Following the transplant Bayan had been declared out of danger by doctors, but later, her condition has worsened to degenerate when the child's mother, on the advice of his physician brother lives in Boston (USA) Dr. Rodney Jamil at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), requesting the transfer of the small emergency at Children's Hospital Boston and, thanks to the intervention of the Secretary to the Prime Minister Dr. Gianni Letta, is organized with the collaboration of A.N.G.E.L.S. the transfer of urgency with the small flight of State and Air Force medical team. While every care implemented, the small can not recover and died April 5, 2010. Is organized by A.N.G.E.L.S. transfer of remains from Boston to Beirut until Aita Al Chaab, city of origin of the family.
On 25 March 2010, following the alarm of volunteers A.N.G.E.L.S. in Gaza, the Association sends an on-site full of special milk Galactomin 19 for children who are lactose intolerant, a basic necessity for infants with this condition and that it is never found in the Gaza Strip and the costs are very high . All transportation and delivery are possible thanks to Abdelwahhab Al Borno, voluntary of A.N.G.E.L.S. in Gaza, the support of the Italian Consulate in Jerusalem, Alitalia and the Israeli authorities have opened for the occasion, the Erez crossing.
On May 9, 2010 A.N.G.E.L.S. is among the guests organizers of the second edition of the Match for Peace which was held at the Stadium of Tyre in Lebanon, a triangular football arbitration by Stefano Farina between the National Parliament, the Italian troops in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and the National Model and Singers, whose commentary was made by the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa.
The match was won by the National Actors and Singers. During the game the family of the little Bayan reached the stage of Tyre to meet Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa, who had ordered the transfer of the first child in Italy with a military flight.
On 28 May 2010, in the Hall Board of the Town Hall in Battipaglia (SA), the Spokesman of A.N.G.E.L.S., Benedetta Paravia is godmother of the prize "Silver Spiga Fidapa - city Battipaglia" Peace and Solidarity between Peoples in memory of journalist Ilaria Alpi. During the evening the choir Arcobaleno and Benedetta Paravia sing the song for peace "Angels", a hymn of the event.
On 9 June 2010, at Spazio Novecento in Rome, A.N.G.E.L.S. is ethic partner of the 31st edition of the "Gold Medals, A Life in the Cinema" award created in 1954 by journalist and screenwriter Alexander Ferrau. During the evening, was awarded the master Mario Monicelli, his last public appearance.
On 21 July 2010 A.N.G.E.L.S. in collaboration with Farmindustria and Contingent Army Leonte 8, carries a load of Lebanon pediatric medicines, essential for military assistance to the civilian population of southern Lebanon. A.N.G.E.L.S., together with the Italian Army and a team of journalists from the program RAI Uno Mattina, visit all the military bases in southern Lebanon and run a service dedicated to the role of the Italian soldiers in the peacekeeping mission UNIFIL service broadcast by Uno Mattina.
On 27 July 2010, with A.N.G.E.L.S. and the Italian Consulate in Jerusalem, after crossing Erez with her father, the little Palestinian girl Intisar SM Almshalah arrived in Rome Fiumicino at the Ceremonial State. In Italy she will receive the first treatment needed to overcome a serious form of liver cancer at the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome in the Department of Pediatric Oncology directed by Prof. Anna Clerico.
On 26 September 2010, the small Tiba Al Jumaili, already subjected to two different and delicate heart surgery performed by Prof. Pungiglione and Prof. Amodio, because suffering from a serious and rare heart defect, returned to Rome thanks to A.N.G.E.L.S. because the child has suffered from hypertension in the interventions and, after checking the medical intervention was necessary to repeat the introduction of a balloon heart. The doctors have informed A.N.G.E.L.S. she will need a fourth and hopefully final surgery to be carried out in May 2011.
On 7 November 2010, in collaboration with the Italian contingent Leonte 8 A.N.G.E.L.S. could buy wheelchairs lightweight as gifts for the winners of the marathon for disabled Beirut marathon in which A.N.G.E.L.S. is ethical partner. Among the dignitaries present, the Prime Minister of Lebanon, Saad Hariri and representing UNIFIL (Lebanon interposition force of the United Nations), the Force Commander Alberto Asarta (Spain) and the Commander of Sector West Gen. Giuseppe Nicola Tota (Italy).
On 8 November 2010 A.N.G.E.L.S. leaves for a mission to Kosovo and Lebanon with Gen. George Cornacchione, Commander of the Operational Command of Summit Command, and 9 November to deliver at the military base of Shama in Lebanon to the new quota Leonte 9 three loads of medicine for a total of 275 packages of care in day care of the civilian population of southern Lebanon.
ANGELS, also in 2011, has successfully continued its work on behalf of children in need of care and who live in low-income families, in areas of the world at war or where there are no hospitals eligible for treatment. After an initial and long hospitalization at the Policlinico Umberto I, in February the transferring of the small Intisar at the Hospital Bambino Gesù in Rome, where in February 14 was subjected to a surgery lasting more than ten hours liver transplantation by prof. Jean de Ville. The intervention was necessary after a first cycle of chemotherapy has been under the child. Following the surgery A.N.G.E.L.S. was responsible for the reunification of the family Almshallah allowing the mother and two brothers, who were at first in Gaza to reach Intisar and dad. The whole story has been commented on by various media outlets including: The Corriere della Sera, The Messenger, Leggo, Time,, the Reform, Gr Rai, La Stampa, Virgil, Free, Ansa, AdnKronos, Radio Vatican and others.
On 17 March 2011, in conjunction with the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, A.N.G.E.L.S., through spokeswoman Dr. Benedetta Paravia wanted to honor the memory of so many Italian soldiers who sacrificed their lives during missions of Peace abroad. For the occasion, the Association also wanted to thank the support received from donors and volunteers in a period of severe economic crisis. Comment has been reported, among others, the press, and also on the web as
Following the outbreak of the military conflict in Libya and the numerous requests for health care and humanitarian assistance for children in Misrata, in March 24, 2011 A.N.G.E.L.S. was immediately move by calling international institutions to intervene to ensure water, food and medicine to the locals as well as take the necessary action to correct operation and supply of health facilities in the area. The press, including Politically Correct, AdnKronos and Agi, have taken up and spread the word.
The promotion of the A.N.G.E.L.S. and an invitation to its support has also found expression in numerous television appearances, such as the interview in April of Dr. Paravia in the "Aspettando Uno Mattina".
During the month of July 2011 A.N.G.E.L.S. had, unfortunately, to cope with a further deterioration of the health of small Intisar because of a recurrence which had annulled the benefits of the transplant immediately in the previous February. For this on July 20 2011, the little girl was again made by Prof. De Ville that occupied removal is a new tumor formation.
Also for 2011, A.N.G.E.L.S. was confirmed as a partner of Ethics International Film Festival in Rome, scheduled in the capital from October 27 to November 4. Within the event A.N.G.E.L.S. had the opportunity to distribute to various guests information and promotional material about the activities carried out in support of sick children from war zones.
To cope with the demands of child care from Libya, from 2 to 8 October A.N.G.E.L.S. organized a fundraising via SMS to the number 45599, the solidarity campaign was promoted in collaboration with Mediafriends non-profit organization and all the major Italian operators of fixed and mobile telephony. In order to promote the fundraiser, Dr. Benedetta Paravia has participated as a guest in the TV program "Mattino 5", where, interviewed by Federica Panicucci described the activities of the association and emphasized the importance of funding requested and their purpose. As well as on Mediaset, the initiative of A.N.G.E.L.S. was picked up by the press as The Press, Julie News, Vatican Radio News and more. The emissaries of volunteers A.N.G.E.L.S. aid the needy Libyans.
As part of the initiatives related to the International Film Festival of Rome, 3 November 2011, the Prince Ruspoli organized a cocktail at the Palazzo Ruspoli to promote the activities of A.N.G.E.L.S.. At the cocktail was attended among others by Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa Hon, Hon. Teodoro Buontempo, Councillor for Housing and Consumers of the Lazio Region and the Hon. Giordano Tredicine, Councillor for Social Capital of Rome and delegate of the Mayor Alemanno addition to Luciano de Crescenzo, Marina Ripa di Meana, actresses Virginia Marsan and Giovanna Rei, Angelique Brando and photographer Roberto Granata.
The cocktail was also an opportunity to celebrate the first three years of life of Angels, whose activities were presented by Dr. Benedetta Paravia. Also the Minister of Youth Giorgia Meloni and the President of the Province Zingaretti wanted to extend its congratulations to A.N.G.E.L.S.. The event was reported in an ad hoc service and an interview organized by journalist Cristina Guerra on TG1 of 7 November 2011, as well as on other national media.
Il mese di novembre 2011 è coinciso con l’attesa guarigione della piccola Intisar dopo le numerose terapie cui la bambina era stata sottoposta sia tramite cure medicinali, sia tramite operazioni chirurgiche di rilievo. A.N.G.E.L.S. ha annunciato il ritorno a casa della bambina durante la trasmissione “Uno Mattina” di Rai 1.
The month of November 2011 coincided with the expected recovery of the small Intisar after the many therapies that the child had been subjected either through medicinal cures, and through major surgery. A.N.G.E.L.S. announced the return home of the child during the program "Uno Mattina" Rai 1.
In the month of December has been received by the Department of Youth a contribution of € 18,000 for the reconstruction and modernization of the Al Amal orphanage.
At the beginning of 2012 Benedetta Paravia, spokeswoman for A.N.G.E.L.S. Onlus - National Association of Young Energies Latrici di Solidarietà - on the occasion of the presentation of the Christmas prayer entitled "The Forgiveness", written by the president of A.N.G.E.L.S. Onlus, Maria Pia Corrado and which has also received the seal of Ecclesiastical Approval of the Vicariate of Rome.
In April 2012 the association A.N.G.E.L.S. O.N.L.U.S, the Social and Family Policies Commission of Roma Capitale and Sermoneta Luxury Group took the field to save the life of Tiba, a 13-year-old Iraqi born with a rare and unprecedented heart malformation. The little girl has already had heart surgery three times in previous years "but now, after the delicate phase of growth, Tiba needs one last operation that will allow her to heal permanently", commented Benedetta Paravia, spokeswoman for A.N.G.E.L.S. - National Association of Young Energie Latrici di Solidarietà - which was responsible for transferring and treating the child in Italy.
In June 2012 A.N.G.E.L.S. O.N.L.U.S and the Ali Virtuose association organized "La Rinascita" a charity fashion show against violence against women at the Heaven 4 Sporting Club in Rome.
In July 2012 A.N.G.E.L.S. and the Social and Family Policies Commission of Rome Capital have signed the Solidarity Protocol, an initiative aimed at making institutions and communities aware of greater protection for children, especially those who come from poor or troubled countries."
In October 2012 A.N.G.E.LS. Onlus - National Association of Young Energies Latrici di Solidarietà - the Italian Consulate in Jerusalem and the Israeli authorities brought little Intisar to Italy, a seven-year-old Palestinian girl, who arrived at the State Ceremonial at Fiumicino airport so that she could be subjected to new treatments. The little girl had already recovered from cancer thanks to the efforts of A.N.G.E.LS.; after having undergone a liver transplant and further operations, she had spent 2 years in Rome, the time necessary to allow her a normal life.
In October 2012 the "Music and Solidarity" event was organized, a project conceived by Benedetta Paravia welcomed by the Campidoglio and supported by Roma Capitale presented on Thursday 11 October at 12 in the Sala Carroccio, in the Campidoglio.
In February 2013, little Intisar defeated cancer, unexpected events and malformations. For the occasion, a visit to the castle of Rome was organized for her thanks to Roma Capitale and the Deputy Mayor Sveva Belviso. On 5 February at 11.30 Intisar also visited the halls of the Campidoglio together with the Deputy Mayor of Roma Capitale and the Vice President of A.N.G.E.L.S. Onlus Benedetta Paravia.
In February 2013 the event "Angels for one evening" was organized, an evening entirely dedicated to the angels of solidarity in the splendid halls of Palazzo Ferrajoli where an elegant cocktail was held for humanitarian purposes.
In July 2013 Benedetta Paravia founder of A.N.G.E.L.S. ONLUS at the end of a Solidarity ceremony in the United Arab Emirates, received the appointment of International Ambassador of the ˜Al Noor” educational center in Dubai for disabled children, donated by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, King of Dubai through the intercession of his wife , Princess Haya of Jordan.
In October 2014 thanks to the funding of an Israeli family A.N.G.E.L.S. ONLUS organized Intisar's trip to Italy to receive new treatments. The little girl arrived in Rome at the age of five because she suffered from hepatoblastoma. After the first chemotherapy treatments at the Policlinico Umberto I and after eight months of stay in the capital, she gets a compatible liver. After the transplant, which took place at the Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital, she had a recurrence on her new liver.
In December 2014 the U.S. Salernitana 1919 has put up for auction the possibility, on the CharityStars charity platform, of attending the Salernitana – Messina match on 21 December from the VIP Tribune of the “Arechi” Stadium in Salerno. The entire proceeds went to support A.N.G.E.L.S., an association that takes care of treating sick children in Italy who live in areas affected by war or where there are no qualified hospital facilities.
In February 2015 the presentation of Maria Pia Paravia's book “Pompei. Chronos: last moments”, Mondadori Electa editions. The particular and fascinating text, which marks a turning point in fiction, will be available from 10 March in Mondadori group bookshops. The text was introduced by Magistrate Roberto Pennisi and the Hon. Guglielmo Vaccaro. Moderated by Benedetta Paravia, Ambassador of A.N.G.E.L.S. Onlus and the Al Noor center for disabled children based in Dubai.
In June 2016 Benedetta Paravia, spokesperson for the non-profit organization A.N.G.E.L.S. - National Association of Young Energies Latrici di Solidarietà '- you have been officially nominated to compete for the role of Italian Ambassador for Unesco. The candidacy was proposed on the initiative of the Saudi Princess Al Johara Al Saud and was supported by illustrious Italian personalities such as Gianni Letta, Giuseppe De Rita, Lella Golfo, Ignazio La Russa and many other professionals and parliamentarians who sent letters of support to the Presidency of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO.
In 2022 Benedetta Paravia spokesperson for the non-profit organization A.N.G.E.L.S. - National Association of Young Energies Latrici di Solidarietà' organized a fundraiser for the Ukrainian population affected by the war.
The Women in Love - Alice in the City 2022 press conference was held in October 2022 - with Benedetta Paravia and Asia Silver.
In December 2022 "Women" in Love was held, the video exhibition with a strong emotional impact by Benedetta Paravia aka Princess Bee to fight the crime of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The purpose of the video-exhibition, which among others availed itself of the patronage of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, was to raise public awareness on the issue of Female Genital Mutilation (clitoridectomy, excision and infibulation) in order to contribute to putting an end to this violence perpetrated against girls and young women, a violation of Human Rights (WHO 2008).
On the occasion of the International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation – sanctioned by the United Nations for 6 February – Friday 3 February, at 17, in the Sala del Cenacolo of the Chamber of Deputies A.N.G.E.L.S.- National Association of Young Energies Latrici di Solidarietà Onlus was discussed the artistic, cultural and humanitarian project "Women in Love", the proceeds of which were used to operate for free the victims of female circumcision to restore the status quo, with the patronage of the Ministry of Culture, the Department of Equal Opportunities and the City of Venice. Speakers of the meeting – promoted and moderated by Benedetta Paravia (Vice President and Spokesperson of A.N.G.E.L.S.) – the Hon. Maria Teresa Bellucci, Deputy Minister for Labor and Social Policies; the Hon. Annarita Patriarca, Secretary of the Presidency and Member of the XII Social Affairs Commission of the Chamber of Deputies; Prof. Maria Rita Parsi, psychologist and essayist; Linda Laura Sabbadini, Chair Women20 2021 and columnist; Laura Villani, Architect; Prof. Luigi Uno Tivelli, author; Prof. Maurizio Fiasco, sociologist; Prof. Domenico De Masi, sociologist and journalist Safiria Leccese.
Women in Love was also exhibited in Dubai, in March 2023, at the World Trade Center.