
The prize“Youth for the brotherhood” sponsored by the non-profit organization A.N.G.E.L.S

Premio “Giovani per la Fratellanza” promosso dalla onlus ANGELS
A.N.G.E.L.S. has promoted the contest "Youth for the Brotherhood" to urge the participants to reflect on the necessity of peace among peoples, giving the opportunity to express their own thoughts on the Association website

On 21 October at the Roman Aquarium, for  the fourth edition of the International Rome Film Festival, 'was awarded Claudio Pinto, 23 year old (from Rome), for his his thoughts: "The brotherhood is like a magical concatenation of stars, their beauty lies in the link so that it forms, making them visible to anyone on Earth. May Peace resounds in every corner of the Planet ". " The biggest task for those who want to rebuild hapless countries - said the Minister La Russa, who spoke during the occasion - is to give a smile to children, just like those A.N.G.E.L.S. helps . Every little thing that can be done in the countries affected by war to return peace and hope, also help a single child, is important and should be supported. Into the work of A.N.G.E.L.S is contained  a seed of peace and hope, the goal of restoring the smile to the weak and defenseless, which is why I support the work ". " I am proud that I never discouraged to dedicate myself to cases of these children with care and determination, 'cause I strongly believe in what I do - said Benedetta Paravia - The best way we have our young people to make a valuable and positive contribution to society is to turn good ideas into action, "" Two of the the most beautiful features of our country, culture and solidarity - said Undersecretary Giro - merge in the creation of the "Jewel of the Brotherhood" designed by Benedetta Paravia for the purposes highly beneficial of the association ANGELS: a young partnership that has already proved itself for major interventions in favor of the weakest among the weak: children. An Association which, for this reason, the Ministry of Heritage and Culture gladly gave his patronage also on the occasion of the latter, laudable initiative. "


